Happy birthday and many more!

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How many more? You can ballpark it.

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Baker’s dozen with option to extend

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You’re 1077 days ahead of me. Thanks, as usual, for writing this stuff. And thanks for being my friend. I have one or two memory cubby holes with you in them, which is more than I can say for quite a number of people I’ve spent time with, which is worrisome, but not enough to lose sleep over. Happy Birthday!!!

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Hey Ted, you are one guy who is still pretty fresh in my mind. We strove towards some pretty great things together.

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Can I quote you on that - that the only wasted time is time not spent paying attention. Got it. But it's surely not possible to pay attention all the time. Surely naps are essential. Sweet dreams. And often during the day, my mind slips into idle, not focusing on any thing, not even my breath. Welcome relief. And even the most meaningful times are often not consequential enough to became memorable. The times hauling to the trash bins come to mind. Occasionally a small forgettable pleasure. But these are mere quibbles. The reminder to pay attention is always helpful.

On another note, it will be unlikely that a screwdriver will be enough to deactivate the AI computer of the future.

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It is a special future screwdriver.

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Memories of events many years ago - It always amazes me when comparing how they differ with persons who experienced the exact same event; different filters, different objects of attention. I mentioned this recently with Nat Treadway and Ruth Davis at a meetup in Downtown Houston. Also, how they differ from a world view changed over the years ... Had I knew than, what I know now...

:) :( Happy-Sad.

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Turns out the only 100% true memory, is what we remember right now.

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From one cubbyhole to another, happy 26,645th!

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Thank you Scout, for paying attention!

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